
January 10, 2023  |  Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, Entertainment

Vectorworks 2023 Service Pack 3 Released

Alex Altieri

It’s that time of year! Service Pack 3 for Vectorworks 2023 is now available for download.

This blog post will explore what’s been implemented with this release. Read on to see the exciting new functionality. Prediction: you’re going to love it. 😎

📱 Reality Capture & More on the Cloud & Nomad Mobile App📱

By taking advantage of Apple’s room-scanning framework, RoomPlan, the Vectorworks Nomad app can now produce models with classified geometry such as walls, windows, openings, and doors, and the model can be imported directly to Vectorworks.

In essence, you’ll be able to quickly scan an existing room with your iOS device to create a robust reality capture that’s easy to use.

“Apple’s RoomPlan scanning framework is great for capturing existing room layouts and bringing them into Vectorworks with almost no effort or time,” said Iskra Nikolova, our quality assurance manager for Cloud and mobile.

Additionally, we’ve put work into the Photos to 3D Model feature in Vectorworks Cloud Services. The feature now takes advantage of Apple’s photogrammetry API on macOS known as Object Capture.

“This replaces our old photogrammetry framework used for the generation of 3D models from photos,” Nikolova said. “It has higher success rates and creates more-optimized geometry in less time. Plus, additional metadata generated by supported iOS devices is used by the algorithm to recover actual object size and orientation, which was not possible before.”

We’ve also implemented updates to the Nomad app that give you more control of light representation in your models. The new Lights panel in the 3D model viewer allows for light object visibility control. Individual light objects exported from .vwx files can be turned on and off, and heliodon or directional lights can now also set the position of the Light direction control when opening a model in the 3D viewer.

You'll also find increased storage capacity in Vectorworks Cloud Services for both Service Select members and free users.

For Interoperability

Plain and simple, we’re continuing the evolution of Vectorworks’ ability to collaborate via DWG and RVT files.

Specifically, Service Pack 3 introduces you to our work on exporting georeferenced DWG files, the reliability of the Revit import process, and the reliability of importing columns, doors, wall joins, and windows from Revit.

For BIM Workflows

Service Pack 3 refurbishes a few aspects of BIM workflows in Vectorworks 2023. You’ll find an updated user interface for the Data Manager plus a couple helpful updates to IFC management such as enhanced export of hardscape and hedgerow objects.

How to Install Service Pack 3

This Service Pack is available as a downloadable updater for all U.S. English-based versions of Vectorworks 2023 including Vectorworks Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals, Braceworks, ConnectCAD, and Vision. It will be available to all customers in Australia later in January. To install the service pack, please select “Check for Updates” from the Vectorworks menu (Mac) or Help menu (Windows).

Access Vectorworks Cloud Services and Nomad

You can try out the latest Cloud Services features by logging into Try the new features in Nomad by downloading the latest version from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

See the Full Release Notes

This blog article provides an overview of the biggest developments in Service Pack 3. To see the full release notes with more information on the release's quality and performance updates, check out the tech bulletin over on our Community Forum.


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